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Enabling inclusion: Evenbreak ad to air on Channel 4

Social enterprise Evenbreak is to air a new commercial on Channel 4 on July 20, 2023, which has been produced by the digiio team. We’re really excited by this news because the Evenbreak commercial has to be one of the most rewarding jobs we’ve worked on together.

It focuses on how the lived experience of disabled people makes them strong candidates and how employers can work with Evenbreak to put talent first.

Catching an even break

We’re big supporters of the work of this social enterprise, which focuses on supporting disabled people into the workplace and into rewarding careers.

The Evenbreak job board is designed for and delivered by disabled people, helping to match disabled candidates with inclusive employers. The social enterprise explains, “Evenbreak exists to solve a couple of big problems. Employers told us they struggled to attract disabled candidates. And disabled candidates told us they couldn't tell which employers were inclusive. So, we joined the dots and created the UK's most accessible job board to connect the two.”

Its online resources also include careers advice and articles as well as the ability to set up job alerts.

Filming the new Evenbreak commercial

While filming the commercial, the digiio team bumped into some of the challenges that disabled people face every day. We saw first-hand how, as one of the stars of the film says, disabled people need to develop their problem-solving skills on a daily basis.

Although progress is being made, more can be done. While filming, we encountered resistance from some big firms which did not want to participate because of their fears of being presented as “not accessible enough”.

“It’s really important that we acknowledge the myriad challenges that exist in our workplaces and everyday lives that make negotiating them more difficult for some people. Not acknowledging or facing into them in order to ‘protect your brand’ does not help society to move on or dismantle the hurdles holding back talented individuals,” says Freddie Hutton-Mills, digiio Creative Director.

Telling the stories that matter

It was a pleasure and a privilege to work with the Evenbreak team and a true collaboration. We cooperated closely on the script, location finding and on the shoot.

“digiio is focused on telling the stories that matter,” Freddie continues, “Filming with Evenbreak matters because the lived experience of many disabled people makes them strong and valuable candidates. We want to support the incredible work Evenbreak does in promoting this message to employers.”

“That’s what makes this commercial so powerful – it focuses on the message that we need to put talent first.”

About Evenbreak

If you’d like to find out more about Evenbreak or are interested in accessing or posting to its job board, do this on the social enterprise's website.

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